Friday, December 28, 2007

Max our new baby boy!

Max is the newest member of the Miller family. He makes me have baby fever. I could have at least 10 kids if I had a nanny to live with me. I love babies. I have a new name for my niece and nephews to call me mommy Teresa the only one that does it now is Derek. I just love it. I hope that all of them consider me their mother. I love all of them. Zack wants this baby to look like him so bad. I hope he does. It seems Miller's have the dominate gene in the family. I know my kids look like them (Miller's). I just love this photo he had just woke up and papaw was holding him.
God Bless Max,
Mommy Teresa

Who says money don't grow on trees!!!!

Tanner is a hard one to buy for because he gets Christmas from me and his dad. Granny Lelia came up with this one on her own. A money tree. She told Zack and he kinda of told but Tanner didn't understand. Thank goodness! He spelled t-r-e-e for him. This was a wonderful surprise for Tanner. I wanted him to keep it for while in his bedroom as a decoration. Guess what! He immediately took all the money off and began counting. Oh well! A great idea for anyone.

Christmas Ornaments

This year at church we started right after Thanksgivng on making Christmas ornaments. I want to share these you may want to make some for next year with your child or school, church group.

Christmas Play at Church

This year our Christmas play at church was all about the kids. Our church always makes all parents feel welcome when their child acts a little BAD!!!! That is the way Sydney has been acting lately. Since she hit the 2 year old mark she is her own self. I tend to let her go it makes it easier on me. I can remember so many times thinking why don't parents make their child mind. I now realize after three children that it is easier to ignore and let her be as long as she can not get hurt. Sydney along with other little girls from her class Chloe, Beth, Milli, and Syd were all the little angels along with her best friend Mattie. Mattie was a great big angel taking care of Sydney. She is always a big sis to Syd. I tried to hide from Syd during the play so she would not come and find me. She was on stage so sad, bent down like she was going to cry. I was taking photos and she started saying mommy it broke, it broke. She was referring to her halo. She then came down off the stage and everyone began laughing Tab and Cindy fixed her halo and off she went. See the photo with Densmore she was still on stage after everyone left he let her have the microphone.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Playhouse Disney Live

I wanted to share a memory about Playhouse Disney Live. We had front row tickets yeah! I have never had front row tickets in my life. That was so cool. I went with Tab, Mattie, Syd, Teresa Hylton, Taylon and Lacyln. We drove to Lexington and went straight to the show. I love all the characters in the show, but my favorite was Darby, Pooh and Tiger. I believe Syd like Goofy the best. Mattie got pick to go on the stage and that sure was a memory . Syd had fun dancing and singing the songs. She has been learning all kinds lately. She tries her best to sing.
Christmas is almost here. Tonight I attended a party at church it was the ladies WMU group. We did the present exchange that you take someones gift. I was so tore up. I get nervous about this game. I know its crazy it is just for fun. I was just not very relaxed during that game. I ended up with a couple of photo albums. I did have a great time. Abbie gave us a devotional about to don't get in a hurry this holiday season and forget the reason. To show our christian love for others and do something nice for someone else. I would like to also include my prayers here. I want to pray for a young lady at school her name is Jessica. She sure has went through a lot today. Please watch over her and protect her. Take care of her. She is one special young girl. I would like to thank you Jesus for my husband Jon he is such a hand of protection to me. He is the most wonderful person. I love him so much.

God Bless,

Sunday, December 9, 2007

What can I say? How do I begin? I am never lost for words. The Lord gave me the gift to gab sometimes a LITTLE to much. Ha! I enjoys talking to people. I feel that it is my gift sometimes. I try to help out others. I was taught this as a child watching my mother and father they are both kind. I have been reading blogs from others since summer so I decided I would love to share with others what I enjoy doing. I hope I can inspire someone else. I love getting ideas to do with my kids. This is my favorite thing to do on the internet right now. I have a very large list bookmarked in my favorites.

This morning I got up and got Zack and Syd ready for church. Mattie came down to go with us. She has been loving Sunday School and church. We went to Sunday school and made a craft project. I will post photos later of all the craft projects we have been making in Sunday school. After church we went out to eat at my husbands restaurant Cena's. I had pork tenderloin, fries and gravy. It was delicious as always. After lunch I came home and took my daily nap. I then worked outside trying to make my home look a little like Christmas. It was such a warm day for December.

I hope to post daily a little something special or idea. Okay I guess I will share a photo from Doodlebop live we went a couple of weeks ago. This past Friday we also went to Playhouse Disney Live. I will post those later.