Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cousin Chole Visit

Pam and Brandie came by to visit and get some shoes for Chloe, well guess what she didn't want to go with them she wanted to stay and play. She hadn't ate anything so we had a picnic on the front porch. Brandi gave me some juicy juice so we fill their cups up in small amounts in case they spilled it, well guess what they both did. That is okay because on the front porch you just put some water on it and it is all cleaned up. The girls love helping clean.
This is what I found. Pickles, chips, ham, cheese, crackers, apple jacks, and fruit chews. What better meal than this. I bought this tray at the Dollar Store. It is good for this and crafts.
Look at that precious baby Chloe.
Now look at this face rotten.

1 comment:

痛饮离恨 said...
