Friday, December 12, 2008

My New Neace Kayleigh :)

This is my sister and brother in law Sandy and Brent. They have been trying to adopt a baby since I believe I was pregnant with Syd. They are finally blessed today with the news. It is a girl, she is 10 months old. Her birthday is 2 days before mine Feb. 22. They will travel to China to pick her up in Feb. When we went to visit them in July. They have everything ready for the baby. They had to prepare because you never know when the time will be. It is kinda like being pregnant. Of course a little different because you can't count 40 weeks. Ha! Check out Sandy's blog for more information. You will love her blog good information if any one would like to adopt. Sandy I need a closer photo to post my niece remember I am mommy Teresa.

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